

新博网页的历史可以追溯到20世纪50年代末, 应当地商会的要求, citizens banded together to create a local college to complement the growing city’s art museum, 交响乐团和剧院. The private new college was designed by a group of educators who believed in the power of the mind and wanted to free both students and faculty from the limits of lock-step curriculum and a focus on credit hours and a GPA.

这些创始人在提倡“积极”方面超前了半个世纪, 动手学习”,以达到“胜任”和“真正的精通”.新博网页的教育理念, 菲利普·希斯随着时间的推移发展出来的, 约翰Gustad, 约翰·埃尔门多夫和道格拉斯·伯格伦, 吸引了全国最优秀的学生. Such was New College’s unique role in the world of academia that a full-page article in Time magazine was devoted to the matriculating class of 1967.



读一些我们的新博网页的故事,并感到惊讶, 感兴趣, 灵感和动力去创造你自己的一些.

荣誉 & 赞誉



  • 10月. 1960年11月11日,新博网页作为一所私立学院成立.
  • 1961: Trustees obtain options to purchase the former Charles Ringling estate on 萨拉索塔 Bay and 12 acres of airport land facing U.S. 由私人持有. 这两部分构成了新博网址是多少的中心.
  • 11月. 1962年8月18日:新博网址是多少落成. Earth from Harvard is mixed with soil from New College as a symbol of the shared lofty ideals of the two institutions.
被亲切地称为蓝鹅, this bus transported students from the Landmark Hotel on Lido Key to New College in 1964 while residence halls were being constructed.
  • 1964年:特许班于1967年入学并毕业.
  • 1969: Faculty adopt a contract system emphasizing the role of individualized study plans, 实地考察和本科生研究.
  • 1971年:凯普斯新博网址是多少在凯普斯先生的捐赠下成立. 和夫人. Ralph Caples; a new environmental studies fund enables New College to conduct applied environmental research, 这是国内最早的此类项目之一.
  • 1975: New College joins the State University System as part of the University of South Florida, 和它共用一个新博网址是多少.
  • 1983年:苏达科夫会议中心在贝聿铭校区开放.
  • 1985: 新书院校友会 形成.
  • 11月.1, 1986: New library is dedicated; two years later it is named in honor of benefactor Jane Bancroft Cook. 200万美元的捐赠建立了新博网页的第一个捐赠主席.
  • 1988: USA Today classifies New College as among the 43 “choosiest” colleges in the nation.
  • 1990年:一个新的健身中心在贝聿铭校区建成.
  • 1993年:《新博网页》杂志的财富指南将新博网页列为第一.2 “Best College Buy” in America; Caples Fine Arts Complex 打开.
  • 1996年:凯普斯新博网址是多少的贝蒂·伊瑟曼美术大楼破土动工.
  • 1998年:学生自主学习计划产生了四风咖啡馆, a popular student-run coffee house on campus; first season of New Music New College.
  • 1999年:回应学生的倡议, psychologist Gordon Bauer establishes a manatee research project at Mote Marine Laboratory.
  • 2000年:6美元.600万R.V. Heiser自然科学中心开放.
  • 2001年:2美元.500万年 普利兹克海洋生物学研究中心 打开.
  • 7月1日, 2001: New College achieves independence as the 11th member of the State University System and is designated by the Florida Legislature as the “荣誉 College for the State of Florida.”
  • 2006: Relocation of the USF 萨拉索塔-Manatee campus to a new site gives expression to a bold new master plan, 承保金额为250美元,在国家基金中.
  • 2007: Five new “green” residence halls open on East Campus; all adhere to LEED requirements and feature flat and gabled roofs and floor-to- ceiling windows in their common areas.
  • 2008: Palm Court is restored with new palm trees and commemorative bricks and pavers.
  • 2008: The Board of Trustees approves the 2008-2018 Strategic/Academic Master Plan “Enhancing Student Learning” to serve as a road map for navigating the terrain of academic change over the next 10 years. The Plan was developed over seven months with broad New College community participation.
  • 2010年:汉密尔顿学生中心重新装修,包括 黑盒子剧院 和游说. The flexible space seats approximately 75 people and has its own control booth for sound and lighting.
  • 2010年:  公共考古实验室 打开, 部分资金来自联邦政府的规划拨款, 设备和工资, 和国家资本基金(PECO). 1,600平方英尺的设施是处理和解释文物的理想场所, 准备考古现场报告.
  • 2011年:新博网页庆祝建校50周年(10月9日). 2010),新博网址是多少里有各种令人兴奋的活动, 包括海湾有史以来最辉煌的日落之一.
  • 2011年:被称为ACE的学术中心开放给班级和教师办公室. The most ambitious new building in decades, it is awarded Gold LEED status for its sustainability. 广场上有一座现代的四风雕塑, 自然太阳为中心支点, 大海和风在太阳周围温柔而不断地移动着.
  • 2011: First Student Thesis Showcase takes place, an opportunity to highlight student research. 在Isermann画廊举办的学生艺术展览成为了一年一度的活动.
  • 2012年:老林陵海堤, 建于1925年至1926年的海湾海堤上, 被挖出来,用更坚固、更现代的材料代替吗, 由国家拨款2美元资助.2008年为海堤修复工程拨款500万美元. 它的特点是一个美丽的1,000-foot balustrade along 萨拉索塔 Bay and a lighted paved esplanade bordered by low, 弯曲的席位. Restoration also includes an intertidal lagoon with a sloping shoreline and additional intertidal habitat. 北端增加了一个露天教室.
  • 2012: Dr. 唐纳尔·奥谢成为学院的第五任校长.
  • 2013年2月,在奥谢总统就职典礼上, 图书馆前的一座新钟楼落成, 以400美元的礼物作为担保,萨拉索塔的慈善家贝弗利·科斯基捐赠的. 因为它有力, 螺旋, 升流, 该塔赢得了预制/预应力混凝土协会设计奖.
  • 2013年:获得学位的新博网页本科生人数最多——197人. (迄今为止,共有5,801名文学学士学位获得者).
  • 2013: A partnership with the Daughters for 生活 基金会 is made to enroll Middle Eastern women starting in fall 2014, 州内学费.
  • 2014年7月,学院成立 参与和机会中心, a multi-faceted program to help our students link their education with the world of work. 由经常性和非经常性资金资助, 并得到了几位主要捐助者的支持, 首席执行官的员工在职业探索方面指导和指导学生, 实习和奖学金, 将他们与外部公司和社区成员联系起来. The CEO is located at the heart of the campus, in Cook Library, alongside the Academic Center.
  • 2016: The Marine Biology program welcomes the research vessel Limbatus (black-tipped shark), a 24-foot pontoon boat designed for hands-on close-to-shore research and education projects.
  • 2016: Food Forest Carbon Farm is officially planted on the Caples Campus with over 50 different species of fruiting trees, 可食用的蔬菜, 野花, 淀粉类作物和香料.
  • 2016: A Master’s in Data Sciences program is launched in February, following accreditation by SACSOS. 第一批学生在2017年毕业典礼上被授予学位. 这七位毕业生都在各自的领域找到了出色的工作, 大多数是和他们实习的公司.
  • 2016: The Florida Board of Governors invites New College to Board of Trustees to submit a transformative plan for growth. 六年以上, 学院计划, 由校董会和理事会共同批准, calls for the College to expand both our student population and faculty by 50 percent, 到1左右,200名学生和120名终身教授, 同时保持10:1的师生比例.
  • 2017年:C4联盟正式更名为 跨学院联盟. The four member colleges share a common vision of building an educational network that amplifies and expands learning opportunities for their collective 18,000多学生, 加上教职员工. 成员学院有佛罗里达州立学院、林林艺术学院 & Design, 新博网页 and the University of South Florida, 萨拉索塔-Manatee.
  • 2017年:秋天, a 22,2000平方英尺的海塞尔自然科学中心综合体扩建项目开放, 空间增加了50%以上, 足以满足当前的入学要求. 由国家资助,9美元.700万的增加包括生物学, 化学和物理教学实验室, 三个生物学研究实验室, 14个办事处, a computer science reading room and a conference room and classroom that can be converted to lab space, 如果需要.
  • 2017年:新博网页获得第一笔基于绩效的资金(2美元).500万美元),在10公制模型下, based on our success in reaching the following metrics: increased student retention, 本科生毕业一年后的平均全职工资, 在战略重点领域毕业的学生人数, 以及学生的成本.
  • 2017年:新博网页获得2美元.1 million in World Class Scholar funds for initiatives to increase our national academic standing, 包括学生奖学金和招募优秀教师.
  • 2017年:学院收到5美元.提供400万美元的经常性资金,用于执行增长计划的第一阶段. 第二年的资助, 第二阶段, is already a priority in the BOG’s budget for 2018-19: Also part of the Growth Plan is a new multi-purpose facility, 估计耗资4200万美元. A $4 million planning request for the new facility is part of our request for 2018-19.
  • 2018年:到2月12日,2018-19年度将聘用8名新教员. 在2018-19年度,预计将再招聘7人,总计15人.
  • 2021年:新大学董事会选举博士. 帕特里夏·奥克成为学院的下一任校长,也是第一位女校长.